When your having a rough day….find your purpose…. a BOGO Reunion!

Did you ever have a day that everything you touch just goes terribly wrong? You might even think to yourself it would have been better if you never got out of your bed. That was not an option for me so instead I made it a point to find my purpose for the day. I had to find the reason that I was to be part of humanity instead of a lump under my bed sheets at home.

I headed out to lunch and began to read emails while waiting for my meal to arrive. That is where I found the special request, soon to be my purpose for this day. A woman was trying to help her elderly cousin with a wish to be reunited with her twins born in the 1950’s. She had been searching for decades. She gave them up at birth when she was just 14 years old being told that she would never be able to give them the life they deserved so she made that heartbreaking decision to put them first.

Jokingly I thought to myself, wow if I could pull this one off it would be like a BOGO Reunion! Before lunch was over I had all the answers I needed. With the information she provided I was shocked and sad that someone had not helped her sooner. The boys, now almost senior citizens themselves were about to speak to their mother for the first time in 60 years. After talking over the phone it was like they had known each other for years. They will be meeting face to face this weekend.

So next time your thinking your day was a waste find your purpose. I promise… you will feel better!


Author: The reSearch Angel

So what is a reSearch Angel? For over 25 years I have helped individuals to locate family, friends, and answers that they may have been curious about or seeking contact with for years. My first recollection of “searching” was at the young age of 12, I skimmed an entire New York telephone directory to identify a phone number found in a relatives pocket….remember in the 60′s we didn’t have computers to search.... Since then technology has developed so many useful tools that I have perfected. In the past decade I have assisted over 1,000 people to get answers and even reconnect with those missing pieces of their lives. So, if you are reading this out of curiosity, welcome to my life as a reSearch Angel. Relax and enjoy some “reSearch Angel Stories”. If you have someone or something you want me to research, why wait? Every moment counts….....I am waiting to hear from you. Email for a quick response theresearchangel@gmail.com

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